Railslide or Grind 50/50

1st Traveling in the "way" with sufficient momentum continues to move forward while you, Ollie fast enough to be able to reach or on the rail.
2nd The earth with his hands over the board of directors for a railway parallel to railslide or 50/50 loops. Not force landing on the train, because it can be a benefit and remove. Instead of letting gravity do not attirare gently Pasettiper their momentum on the track.
3rd Only you know, your speed of change Cuandon land on which to be ready to balance! Slick is that the metal timber and snow sense reminder: = metal and wood faster = slower.
4th Check your landing would be ready to get out of the train and the configuration of the assembly or the distance for the next feature in the park

Retro Lipslide --

1st ApprovazioneOche rail on the left side if goofy right foot and if they regularly. They want directly with no role to play in the corner.
2nd After ollieing on the train, turn your board 90 gradosy at the forefront. Keep the flat base, the weight on the leg before, while straightening the leg again. Gota lead shoulder and look over the presentation.
3rd If you are in the final role, Lae point for the shoulders, so you can pop off and go regularly.
4th Once you are comfortable in a train or a flat box, experiments backlip it in a C-box. These systems require some practice.

Board in Front Board Slide Switch --

1st Built directly on the rail, some "speed quepor more than just a board slide.
2nd Ollie into the box and begins his slide board. Stay straight and keep your knees bent Change front board ready to pop. Stay Centrata between the table of links.
3rd Half of the film, pop-up and rotated 180 degrees. Look through yours shoulder to take hours to his knees and bowed his weight on the foot, which is locked in step front board.
4th After reaching the final, Ollie travel and change of heading outside.